Tuesday 29 September 2015

Form Contact Sheet

Form Image Bank

This picture shows off the human form and the way angle changes your whole perspective on the makeup of form, the way that legs are positioned here shows off a completely different shape, the perspective of the form can also sexualise a person. I like the way the form of the legs are both different and therefore show diversity, however i don't like the angle of the image as i feel a different  angle showing more leg could show off the difference in form more efficiently.
The form of this shell is a spiral shape, starting wide in diameter and then narrowing, the angle of the shot shows off the change and diversity in the natural form. I like the light used to show off the form as it emphasizes the curvature of the form, however if the shot was taken from a different angle the form of the inside would also be able to be seen.
The form of the vegetable in this image is clearly shown off by the light used, it depicts difference in tone which emphasizes the formation of the vegetable. I like how the light shows the detail in form and the way the light falls in the curves further shows the form. I don't like the angle as if it was taken from another perspective of view other parts of the form could be seen.

 The form of a persons hand in this image is manipulated by the positioning of the body part this therefore shows off a diversity in the way form can be seen. I really love the positioning of the hand as it shows off lots of elements of the form of a human hand, i would prefer if the shot had been taken further out to encompass more light and perspective from angle.
 I like the composition of the shot, the way the mountains, river, buildings and fields come together in one form, the form of the curves in the mountains are similar of that in the river, the bend in the river keeps your eye searching round the next corner and forms a main subject but the form of the mountains are also very visible as the angle of the shot shows the gradient and depth.

The man's features in this picture are accentuated by the lighting and positioning of his body to show off the dynamics of the human form, The main features of a male are broad shoulders and an adam's apple, their form is shown perfectly in the angle that its been taken. I love how the curvature of the form of his shoulders  cant be seen as the lighting is so strong this makes ones eyes go back to the main subject being the addams apple, broadness of the shoulders and the jawline.

Form Definition

Form Definition

Forms is a three dimensional shape, such as a cube, sphere or cone.

Sculpture and 3D design are about creating forms.

In 2D artworks, tone and perspective can be used to create a illusion of form.

The snail being on a flat surface contrasts to its form because the snail shell is natural and spiral shaped whereas the surface is man made and flat.
I like how the picture has been taken at night and therefore it shows off only the form of the tree as opposed to the colour etc and so the form of the tree is prominent on a clear backdrop.
the mass of ladybirds together shows off the similarity in form, all the animals are the same shape and form but yet  all slightly different sizes.
The babies legs together like this shows off the manipulation of the human form and so the image shows the creation of a different form with the same body parts.

  • My definition: form is the composition of different elements brought together to make a whole, it is a 3 dimensional object of any type.

Thursday 17 September 2015

Line Straight Images

The main leading line in this picture is the vertical line of the flat in the distance, this makes ones eyes immediately drawn to the line of the building, the other lines that come off the picture are some horizontal lines coming off car parks and buses, i took the picture from tho angle as it makes the lines all work together in a sort of composition. 
The main leading lines in this picture are the parallel vertical hand rails that appear to narrow as the distance increases, they instantly catch the viewers attention as the main part of the image, i took the picture from the perspective of someone looking up to the top to show the climb of the path upwards. the other lines in the picture are the horizontal and vertical lines in the windows.
The main leading lines in this picture appear diagonal from the angle they've been taken from, but in reality the two parallel lines are horizontal that run along the picture, i took the picture from this angle to show how the lines look like they're narrowing and getting closer to on another before they stop. a vertical part of a building is also at the end of the horizontal lines, this changes the composition of the lines.
The main leading line makes you follow it into the distance, i took the picture from the angle because it gives the impression of it vertically ascending when in fact its horizontal, its the centre point of the picture and horizontal lines of buildings are seen behind the leading line.

Line Image Bank

I love the way the wall in the picture makes your eyes follow the length, in which it disappears off the picture. The angle of the picture makes the wall a diagonal line and the path vertical, in the picture a very strong line that ones eyes are instantly drawn to.
I like the way ones eyes are automatically drawn to the horizontal line in the bottom half of the picture, the way in which the line is static but the back ground is blurred shows the movement of the train in the picture.

The train tracks in the picture are the leading lines, they immediately make the viewer follow the vertical lines to where they go off the picture, and the way in which the lines narrow, this shows the distance in the lines.

The man laying down in the picture is almost parallel to the train this makes ones eyes follow the train far off into the distance and the angle of the picture makes the length of the man seem in the same length from as the train.

Line Contact Sheet

Lines Definition

Horizontal Lines-There’s something about a horizontal line in an image that conveys a message of ‘stability’ or even ‘rest’. Horizons, fallen trees, oceans, sleeping people – all of these subjects have something about them that speaks either of permanency and timelessness or rest.

Diagonal Lines- Diagonal lines generally work well to draw the eye of an image’s viewer through the photograph. They create points of interest as they intersect with other lines and often give images depth by suggesting perspective.

Verticle lines- A vertical line is one the goes straight up and down, parallel to the y-axis of the coordinate plane. All points on the line will have the same x-coordinate. In the figure above, drag either point and note that the line is vertical when they both have the same x-coordinate.

curved lines-Curves make an image easy to look at by leading the viewer’s eye through the frame. It is almost as if the photographer takes the viewer by the hand, draws them into the landscape, and points the way. The viewer’s eyes are compelled to follow the line.

leading lines-A leading line paves an easy path for the eye to follow through different elements of a photo. Usually they start at the bottom of the frame and guide the eye upwards and inwards, from the foreground of the image to the background, typically leading toward the main subject.