Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Portraiture (Editing Posts)

 Here is the original image, for the 2nd image i changed the hue and saturation and colour balance to ultimately change the colour, i decided to change her face to black and white this helps to keep the tone in. I change the colours to blue, this made the colours change to a purple, red indigo blend. I like the effect that this has on the picture, it contrasts the colours.

In the picture of Morgan i used burn and dodge, i used the tool to emphasize the changes in tone across her face for example, the tone under her chin when it becomes darker because of the shadow cast from her jaw line. I also emphasized a clear tone across most of her face and then i used the burn tool her eyes to show change of tone once again,, i like the effect that this has given to her face as though it is not subtle and unrealistic, i like the surreal and animated effect it has as it really brings out change of tone and the angle of this portrait also really helps to show this.

1 comment:

  1. some good examples of photo manipulation there is a need for you of course to check grammar.
